The package of the StoreX Theme contains everything that you need to customise the look and functionality of the theme

Below is the package structure:

├── THEME/
│ └──
│ ├── readme.html
│ └── assets	

Theme Files

THEME folder contains StoreX theme, these two folders have to be uploaded to wp-content/themes/ folder of your WordPress. The main CSS file of the theme is located in the StoreX theme folder.


The DOCUMENTATION folder contains this document that you are reading now. However, we recommend you to use the online version of this documentation because it reflects the changes in the theme (if any) almost immediately. The url is:

Sample Data

The SAMPLEDATA contains everything you need to get the same looks of StoreX theme that is on the live demo of the theme at

StoreX Theme is a WordPress theme, therefore it is important to get to know WordPress CMS before you continue. If you are not familiar with WordPress please visit WordPress getting started guide

WordPress Codex

You may find a detailed documentation of WordPress functionality at WordPress Codex

Installing the Theme

Once downloaded, unzip the compressed folder to see the structure of package.

Go to THEME folder, there you will find a packaged, upload the package to wp-content/themes/ folder of your WordPress and uncompress it. Once uncompressed the theme can be activated.

Activating the Theme

Go to backend section of your WordPress site (http://link_to_your_site/wp-admin/), then go to Appearance -> Themes and activate the StoreX theme).

Activate Theme

Installing Plugins

When you click the "Activate" button to activate StoreX Theme, you will see the a notice offering you to install required and recommended plugins. Click "Begin installing plugins", on the screen that appears, next select the plugins you want to be installed, pick "Install" in Bulk Actions select box and click "Apply" button. For optimal user experience install and activate all recommended plugins.

After the theme is installed you can install WooCommerce pages so that your WordPress installation actually becomes an online store. Go back to your Dashboard and press "Run the Setup Wizard" button:

Installing Woocommerce

Installing Woocommerce

Hit "Continue"" to create WooCommerce Pages":

Installing Woocommerce

Choose your store settings now or do it later:

Installing Woocommerce

Installing Woocommerce

Installing Woocommerce

Installing Woocommerce

WooCommerce had been successfuly set up. You can now see WooCommerce pages on your pages list:

Installing Woocommerce

Please, follow this link to learn more about installing WooCommerce from WooCommerce official site.

Installing Sample Data


You should not install sample data on an existing website - it's database will be deleted and replaced with sample one. You also should not run sample data installer on a WordPress MultiSite - the database for all you overwritted as well. As long as you are using one database for several sites all of these sites may be lost.


Please note that images used on our live demo cannot be used on your live sites build with the help of our theme. You should only use properly licensed images on your live projects. Images you see on our live demo are not sold with the theme and therefore are not included in the theme package.

After you activate your theme and install required plugins you may want to install sample data to make your site look like Live Demo of our theme, which can be found here: You also need to donwload the "uploads" folder (click this link to download the uploads folder), unzip it and upload it to your wp-content folder. After that install and activate sample data installer plugin. It can be found in "Sample data" folder of you theme package.

To achieve the best site speed you need to choose good hosting. WP Engine servers are configured to run WordPress and WooCommerce sites as smoothly as possible, they are always up to date, simplest to configure and their support is just outstanding.

For all our clients here is a special offer from us, 20% discounts for:

Video tutorial on how to install Sample Data:

Creating a child theme

We strongly recommend you to create a child theme and use it for customizing StoreX Theme. This way you can update the theme and it's plugins without fear of loosing implemented changes.

To create a child theme you need to create two files - style.css and functions.php, and place them in the storex-child folder, which also needs to be created in the wp-content/themes folder of your wordpress isntalls.

We created sample storex-child folder with sample files inside of it. You can download this folder, unzip it and use to create your child theme for StoreX. Here's the donwload link.

In case if you want to create the child theme folder and files yourself, here's the demo contents of the functions.php and style.css files in the child theme:

style.css code:

Theme Name: StoreX Theme Child
Theme URI:
Author: Themes Zone
Author URI:
Description: Multi purpose Theme.
Version: 1.0
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI:
Tags: black, brown, orange, tan, white, yellow, light, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, fluid-layout, fixed-layout, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, microformats, post-formats, sticky-post, translation-ready
Text Domain: storex
Template: storex

functions.php code:

 * storex child functions and definitions.
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'child_theme_enqueue_styles');
function child_theme_enqueue_styles() {
wp_enqueue_style('parent-style', get_template_directory_uri().'/style.css');
wp_enqueue_style('child-style', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/style.css', array('parent-style','plumtree-woo-styles'));

Once you place the child theme folder and files in your themes folder, you need to go to the dashboard of your wordpress install, click Appearance->Themes and activate the child theme:

Child theme activation

Most likely your menu is going to seem "lost" after the child theme actiation - there will be no menu at the top of your site. Go to Appearance->Menus and reassign your menu:

Reassign the menu

You can now enjoy your child theme. Add your custom styles at the end of the child theme's style.css file, add your custom functions to the child theme's functions.php without fear of loosing your changes after an update of the theme.

StoreX theme supports default WordPress functionality, such as post types and page templates. This allows you build any kind of page, plus this theme contains a lot of useful shortcodes and pre-built elements.

Layout Examples

It is strongly recommended to setup a separate copy of the WordPress instance with the demo content, this way you will be able to look up how to create this or that layout or add different elements.

Static Home Page

Before reading further it is strongly recommended to read WordPress Codex on How to Create a Static Home Page, General Information on Creating Static Pages and about WordPress Page Templates

Theme menu, which is located in Appearance menu of your dashboard, is a powerful and easy to use tool which gives you control over various theme aspects.

Theme Menu

Site Settings

Site settings is the first tab of our theme's menu.
Global Theme Options

Global Theme Options

  • Choose favicon image - allows you to upload a favicon for your site
  • Google Analytics - you can paste your Google Analytics code here to use it with your site
  • Select layout for site - switches the sites between Wide and Boxed regimes
  • Site Breadcrumbs Switcher turns your breadcrumbs on and off
  • Enable "Scroll to Top Button" turns on and off likes the "Scroll to Top" button on your site

Header Options

  • Choose background color for header sets your header backgound color

Top Panel Options

  • Header Top Panel View Switcher switches on and off a small panel with menu items and location at the very top of our live demo site
  • Set background color of header top panel sets the color of header top background in case if solid color background has been chosen
  • Enter info contents outputs text in the middle of your top panel

Logo Options

  • Choose logo image option allows you to choose your logo file
  • Select logo position option allows you to choose your logo location

Footer Top Area Options

  • Set background color of the top area of the footer - sets the backround color of the top footer area

Footer Middle Area Options

  • Set background color of the middle area of the footer - sets the backround color of the middle footer area
  • Choose background image of the middle area of the footer - you can choose a backgound image for the area
  • Select background position of the middle area of the footer - choose right or left alignment of the background image

Footer Bottom Area Options

  • Set footer background color of the bottom area of the footer - you can choose the background color for the bottom footer area
  • Enter sites copyright - you can enter your site's copyright info here

Disable "Back to home" Button Option

Since version 1.4 this option was added. It allows to enable/disable the back to home button in the upper right corner of your site:
Disable Back to Home Button

Disable Back to Home Button

StoreX Theme offers you a dynamic way of sidebar positioning. You can set both global and per page sidebar positions. To set Global Sidebar Positions go to Backend of your WordPress site (, then go to Appearance->Storex Theme Settings panel, open "Layout Settings" tab.


The "Layout Settings" panel lets you set global layout settings for each type of page. You can set sidebar position to left, right or without the sidebar. Front Page Layout lets you set the sidebar position for the Home Page, "Global layout for Pages" setting will set global value for all static pages present on the site. The "Blog Page Layout" settings will set sidebar position for "Blog" pages (Page that has blog posts listed). "Single Post View" controls the position of a sidebar on single post page (the Single Post page). Store Layout options lets you set sidebar position on Store Pages (Product Listing Page, Single Product Page).

You also can set Sidebar Position for each created Page. Open a static page for editing in the backend of your site, there you will find a "Layout Settings Widget", set the sidebar position in that widget and the global value for the sidebar position will be overridden.

Single Page Layout

Setting Colors and Fonts

StoreX Theme allows you to change main theme color, text color, menu color and headings color.
Colors and Fonts Use Custom Color Scheme Switcher to enable color changes.

StoreX Theme comes with a set of the best fitting font set. You can also add your own fonts to the theme.

StoreX Theme's header can be modified in Storex Theme Settings->Site Settings-> menu of your Dashboard control panel.

Our sample header consists of the following elements:

Storex Theme's header

  1. Language area

    It's a text widget placed in the Header Top Panel sidebar:

    Header Top Widget Area
    Header Top Widget Area

    This area is meant to be replaced with some site language switcher of yours or any other widget you'd like to place there.

  2. Top Panel Contact info

    This text can be modified in the Storex Theme Settings->Site Settings menu of your dashboard:

    Top Panel Contact Info

  3. Top Menu

    It is a WordPress menu located in the header of the theme. You can create/delete/edit this menu in Appearance->Menu section of your dashboard. Make sure to check (or uncheck) the Top Menu option below:

    Top menu settings

  4. Site Logo

    Site logo can be uploaded in the Logo Options area of the theme theme settings menu located in Appearance->Storex Theme Settings menu of your dashboard. You can also select the desired alignment of your logo: Left (Current), Right or Center:

    Logo Settings

  5. Menu

    You can edit menu links and structure in the Appearance->Menus section of your dashboard. It's called Main Menu and is assigned as Primary Menu:

    Main Menu

  6. Search and Cart widgets

    These are "PT Search" and "WooCommerce Cart (Plum Tree Themed)" widgets added to the "Header (Logo group) sidebar":

    Search and Cart widgets

Header Options

Except for widgets, header has it's own background settings. These settings can be found in Appearance->Storex Theme
Settings->Site Settings(tab) menu of your dashboard.

  • Top Panel Options
    Top Panel Options

    The switcher turns the panel on and off. The backround color option allows you to set the backgound color of the header top panel. "Enter info contents" field allows contact info input.

  • Header Options:
    Middle Footer Area Options

    Header options allow you to choose header backgound color. You can also choose your logo image and change it's positioning in the header.

StoreX Theme menu is created with the help of WR Mega Menu plugin:

How to create a stunning menu with WR Megamenu from WooRockets on Vimeo.

WR Mega Menu User Manual

Our demo footer consists of:

StoreX Theme's footer

Top Footer Area

It resembles a widget area with 2 sidebars which can be accessed in Appearance->Widgets menu of your WordPress install. The left sidebar is called "Footer Top Sidebar #1". The right sidebar is called "Footer Sidebar Col#2".

Footer Top Sidebars Location

  1. Footer Sign-Up Form (MailPoet Plugin)

    Is a MailPoet Subscription Form widget added to the "Footer Sidebar Col#1" sidebar:

    Footer Top Sidebars Location

  2. Follow Us

    Follow Us footer element is a PT-Social-Icons widget placed in the "Footer Sidebar Col#2" sidebar:

    Follow Us

    Middle Footer Area

    It resembles a widget area with 4 sidebars which can be accessed in Appearance->Widgets menu of your WordPress install. They are called "Footer Middle Sidebar Col#1, Col#2, Col#3, and Col#4":

    Footer Top Sidebars Location

  1. StoreX Text Area

    Resembles a simple Text widget with HTML code inside of it added to the "Footer Middle Sidebar Col#1" sidebar: Text widget

    Here's the actual code from the widget, you can copy it from here:

    <div class="name-store"><span class="name-store">Store</span><span class="last-letter">X</span></div> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.<br><br> Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p>

  2. Twitter Widget

    It is the "TwiGet Twitter Widget" widget placed in the Footer Middle Sidebar Col#2 sidebar:


    Please, read more about using TwiGet here.

  3. Product Tags

    This is a "WooCommerce Product Tags" widget placed in the "Footer Middle Sidebar Col#3" sidebar:

    Footer Sidebar 2

  4. Store Information

    This is the "PT Contacts Widget" placed in the "Footer Middle Sidebar Col#4" sidebar:

    Footer Sidebar 3

    Bottom Footer Area

    Consists of Footer Bottom Menu, Copyright Text, and a widget that outputs available payment systems

  1. Footer Bottom Menu

    It is a WordPress menu located in the footer. You can create/delete/edit this menu in Appearance->Menu section of your dashboard. Make sure to check (or uncheck) the Footer Menu option below:

  2. Footer Copyright Text Area

    This text can be modified in Appearance->Storex Theme Settings->Site Settings (tab) of your dashboard:

    Footer Copyright Area

  3. Payment Icons located in the footer

    This is PT Payment Icons widget added to the Footer Bottom Sidebar:

    Footer Payment Icons

Footer Options

Except for widgets, footer has it's own background settings. These settings can be found in Appearance->Storex Theme
Settings->Site Settings(tab) menu of your dashboard.

  • Footer Top Area Options:
    Footer Top Area Options

    Here you can set background color of the Top Footer Area.

  • Middle Footer Area Options:
    Middle Footer Area Options

    This menu allows you to set background color of the area, or to set a background image for the Middle Footer Area, or both, a color and an image. You can also select background image position: left or right.

  • Footer Bottom Area Options:
    Footer Bottom Area Options

    This menu allows you to set background color for the bottom part of the footer and enter site's copyright text.

Conent of StoreX theme is located between header and footer. Our demo content consists of sidebars, WooCommerce elements, such as products, and other elements, which were created in PageBuilder. Below you are going to find video tutorials on how basic content pages of StoreX theme were created with the help of PageBuilder plugin.

Home Page

Basic Concepts

Before reading further make sure you have read and understood Theme Options, Using Plugins and Shortcodes

To create a Home Page go to the backend of your site and select "Pages" section, then click "Add New" button. Enter a page title (let's say Home Page), assign Full Width Page Template and click "Publish" button. Then go to "Settings" section and click on "Reading" settings, in the "Front page displays" section set to "A static page" and in the "Front Page" select box select a static page that you want to be displayed as a Home Page. Click "Save Changes" button.

Our sample home page was built with the help of Page Builder plugin (IG PageBuilder PT MOD) which comes with the theme.

Here's what our sample home page consists of:

Home page

  1. Revolution Slider

    This element resembles a Revolution Slider (a plugin which comes with the theme) shortcode inside a standart "Text" element of PageBuilder:

    Revolution Slider

    Revolution Slider

  2. Banners

    These banners were created with the help of PT Banner widget of PageBuilder:

    Revolution Slider

    • The first banner:

      First banner

      From the inside of PageBuilder this banner looks like this:

      First banner

      First banner

      Sample image link used in this banner is:
      The text you can see on this banner is html code. It has to be inserted in the code section of the widget, which can be opened by clicking on the code button:

      This is how this html code looks in the code area:
      Code area from the inside

      And here's the code it self, it's copy/paste friendly:
      <span style="color:rgb(207,226,243);font-size: 12px;"> OFFICE</span><br><span style="font-size:24px;color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> Slim, light and lorem ipsum <br>waterproof</span><br>

    • The second banner:

      Second banner

      From the inside of PageBuilder this banner looks like this:

      Second banner

      Second banner

      Sample image link used in this banner is: The text you can see on this banner is the following html code: <span style="color: #cccccc; font-size: 12px;">OFFICE</span><br/> <span style="font-size: 24px; color: #ffffff;">Slim, light and <br style="color: #ffffff; font-size: 24px;" />waterproof</span>

    • The third banner:

      Third banner

      From the inside of PageBuilder this banner looks like this:

      Third banner

      Third banner

      Sample image link used in this banner is: The text you can see on this banner is the following html code: <b><span style="color:rgb(68,68,68);font-size: 12px;"> OFFICE</span></b><br><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-size: 24px;"> Slim, light and <br style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 24px;">waterproof</span>

    • The fourth banner:

      Fourth banner

      From the inside of PageBuilder this banner looks like this:

      Fourth banner

      Fourth banner

      Sample image link used in this banner is: The text you can see on this banner is the following html code: <p style="font-size: 12px; color: #00e4ff; font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">IT’S FALLEN PRICES</p> <p style="font-size: 48px; font-weight: 400; margin-top:0; color: #ead233; line-height: 1.2; text-align: center;">season sale</p> <span style="font-size: 22px; font-weight: 400;">up to 70% off </span> <span style="font-size: 22px; line-height: 1.2;"> loads of styles</span>

  3. What's Hot

    It is a PT Woocommerce Shortcode element of PageBuilder:

    WooCommerce Shortcode 1

    Here's how this element of our sample Home Page looks from the inside of PageBuilder:

    WooCommerce Shortcode 1

    WooCommerce Shortcode 1

    WooCommerce Shortcode 1

  4. Free Gifts Available, Save Your Money, Fast&Furious

    Free gifts 1

    This is a "List" Page Builder element with icons selected:

    Free gifts 1

    Free gifts 1

    You can see the detailed making of this element in the video tutorial below:

  5. More Features

    More features 1

    This is an "Image" Page Builder element:

    More features 2

  6. 30 Days Return, Worldwide Shipping, Fast and Furious

    30 days return 1

    This is a list element of Page Builder with icons selected:

    30 days return 2

  7. Banners

    These banners were created with the help of PT Banners Page Builder element:

    • The left banner

      The left banner

      Here are the screenshots of it's PageBuilder settings:

      The left banner

      The left banner

      The image link used in the banner is:

      The html code used in this sample banner is:

      <span>incl. quality warranty</span> <h4>Apple iWatch</h4> <u>from <span>495$</span></u>
    • The right banner

      The right banner

      Here are the screenshots of it's PageBuilder settings:

      The right banner inside

      The right banner inside

      The image linked used in the banner is:

      The html code used in this sample banner is:

      <i>20<span>%</span><br/><u>off</u></i> <div>Sumsong<br/>Gulaxy a5</div> <u>5 years guarantee</u>
  8. Featured Products

    This element is also a PT Woocommerce Shortcode element of PageBuilder, just like the previous one:

    Here's how this element of our sample Home Page looks from the inside of PageBuilder:

    WooCommerce Shortcode 2

    WooCommerce Shortcode 2

  9. Worldwide Shipping, 30 Days Return, and Customer Support

    World Wide Shipping

    These elements are PageBuilder "Text" widgets with html code inside.

    • World Wide Shipping text widget contains looks like this from the inside of PageBuilder:

      Worldwide Shipping

      The html code is:

      <div class="front-box"><i class="fa fa-plane icon"></i><h3> Worldwide Shiping</h3><p>This is Photoshop’s version of Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec</p><a class="button_" href="">Read More</a></div>
    • 30 Days Return text widget contains looks like this from the inside of PageBuilder:

      30 Days Return inside

      The html code is:

      <div class="front-box"><i class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin icon"></i><h3>30 Days Return </h3><p>This is Photoshop’s version of Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec</p> <a class="button_" href="">Read More</a></div>
    • Customer Support text widget contains looks like this from the inside of PageBuilder:

      30 Days Return inside

      The html code is:

      <div class="front-box"><i class="fa fa-info icon"></i><h3>Customer Support</h3> <p>This is Photoshop’s version of Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec</p> <a class="button_" href="">Read More</a></div>
  10. From the Blog

    This part of our sample Home Page consists of the standard "Heading" widget of PageBuilder which contains the "From The Blog" text, and "PT Mega Posts" widget of PageBuilder:

    Mega Post widgets

    Here's an screenshot of our sample "PT Mega Posts" widget insides:

    Mega Post widgets

    The image used to illustrate Editor Choice plog posts has the following URL:

    For a post to become "Editor's Choice" one the following checkbox inside the blog post must be checked:

    Mega Post widgets

  11. Our Clients & Categories

    Both elements are "PT Carousel" widgets of PageBuilder:

    PT Carousel

    Our clients carousel looks like this from the inside:

    PT Carousel

    PT Carousel

    PT Carousel

  12. Categories carousel settings look like this:

    PT Carousel

    PT Carousel

    PT Carousel

  13. Video background area consists of an html block of text and a video background:

    PT Carousel

    The regular "Text" element of Page Builder contains the following html code:

    <div class="box-on-bg" style="margin: 120px 0 0 0;"><span style="font-size: 30px; text-align: center;"> Digital solutions led by clarity,<br/>simplisity & honesty</span><br/> <a class="banner-button-home" style="text-align: center; margin-top: 35px;" href="">LEARN MORE</a></div>

    The video background is attached to the row of page builder in which this theme is located:


    Row BG

  14. Hot Sale

    This is a "WooCommerce products widget" placed in the "Front Page Bottom Sidebar#1":

    Hot Sale Products Widget

  15. Top Rated Products

    This is a "WooCommerce products widget" placed in the "Front Page Bottom Sidebar#2":

    Top rated products

  16. Featured Products

    This is a "WooCommerce products widget" placed in the "Front Page Bottom Sidebar#3":

    Featured products

  17. Sale Products

    This is a "WooCommerce products widget" placed in the "Front Page Bottom Sidebar#4":

    Hot Sale Products Widget

Contacts Page

Our sample contacts page looks like this:

Hot Sale Products Widget

To create a page in your dashboard you need to go to Pages->Add new page. Wide Page Template should be selected for this page:

Hot Sale Products Widget

  1. Map

    The map is built with the help of Google Maps widget of PageBuilder. Here's how it's setting look from the inside:

    Gmap widget

  2. Send Us an Email

    At the top of the contact form regular "Heading" and "Text" widgets are used. The contact form itself was created in "Contact Form 7" plugin and resembles a "Contact Form 7" plugin shortcode with sample contact form's id inserted in the regular "Text" widget of PageBuilder:

    Contact form

  3. Contacts

    Contacts was created with the help of "PT Contacts Widget" of PageBuilder:

    PT Contacts widget

  4. FAQ

    FAQ element was created with the help of "Acronix FAQ" plugin, and resembles a shortcode inside a standard "Text" widget of PageBuilder

    PT Contacts widget


Our sample gallery page looks like this:

Gallery page

Gallery page tempate is being used for this page:

Gallery page template

To create a gallery create a new page, switch to classic editor and click the "Add Media" button:

Add Media

Click the "Create gallery" link and choose the images you want to use in your gallery. Then press "Create a new gallery" button at the bottom:

Create Gallery

Choose where gallery thumbnails should link to, the number of columns (2, 3 or 4 for this theme), if you want your images in random order and select your image submnail size. Then press "Insert gallery":

Gallery Settings

After that you will see your gallery shortcode:

Gallery Shortcode

Choose "Gallery Page Template" page template and publish the page.

To create gallery filters which can be seen at our sample data Gallery pages you need to go to your Media->Library menu. Click on the image you want to participate in filtration and put a filter name in the Portfolio Filters field:

Gallery Filter Creation

A filter with that word you entered will be created:

Gallery Filter Creation

  1. Map

    The map is built with the help of Google Maps widget of PageBuilder. Here's how it's setting look from the inside:

    Gmap widget

  2. Send Us an Email

    At the top of the contact form regular "Heading" and "Text" widgets are used. The contact form itself was created in "Contact Form 7" plugin and resembles a "Contact Form 7" plugin shortcode with sample contact form's id inserted in the regular "Text" widget of PageBuilder:

    Contact form

  3. Contacts

    Contacts was created with the help of "PT Contacts Widget" of PageBuilder:

    PT Contacts widget

  4. FAQ

    FAQ element was created with the help of "Acronix FAQ" plugin, and resembles a shortcode inside a standard "Text" widget of PageBuilder

    PT Contacts widget


Blog Posts

Before reading further please read How to add Blog Posts

Once you add Blog Posts, you may create a blog page. To do that create an empty page, title it as Blog or News (you may title it anyway you want), publish the page. Next, go to "Settings" -> "Reading", in the "Front Page displays" section find the Posts Page select box and select a page that you have just created. Click "Save Changes" button.

StoreX Theme Offers you several ways to configure blog page, pagination, title bars etc. To do that Open Blog Settings in the Appearance->StoreX Theme Settings menu of your Dashboard:

You also may turn on or off the sidebars on Blog Page, if the sidebars are turned off the blog posts will occupy 100% of the page width.

The StoreX Theme supports all available post types like video, audio, gallery and so on.


A shop page will be created once you install woocommerce or sample data for StoreX theme. Most of this page's controls are located in the Appearance->Storex Theme Settings->Store Settings menu of your Dashboard.

You can see our Sample Shop page's look and it's main elements you can influence from your dashboard on the image below:

Shop Page elements

  1. Store Banner

    Store banner settings are located in the Appearance->Storex Theme Settings->Store Settings menu of your Dashboard:

    Store Banner Parameters

  2. Breadcrumbs area

    The breadcrumbs area can be switched on/off in Appearance->Storex Theme Settings->Store Settings - Store Breadcrumbs view switcher:

    Breadcrumbs switcher

  3. List/grid view switcher

    The list/grid view switcher can be turned on/off in the Appearance->Storex Theme Settings->Store Settings - List/Grid products switcher:

    List/grid view switcher

  4. Categories filter

    This is the categories shop filter (PT Collapsing Categories filter) located in the Appearance->Widgets->Shop Page Sidebar:

    Collapsing categories widget

  5. Color filter

    This is the PT Shop Filters filter with the color attribute selected located in the Appearance->Widgets->Shop Page Sidebar:

    Collapsing categories widget

  6. Brand filter

    This is the PT Shop Filters filter with the brand attribute selected located in the Appearance->Widgets->Shop Page Sidebar:

    Collapsing categories widget

  7. Price filter

    This is the WooCommerce Price filter with the brand attribute selected located in the Appearance->Widgets->Shop Page Sidebar:

    Collapsing categories widget

  8. Recently Viewed Products widgetr

    This is the WooCommerce Recently Viewed widget located in the Appearance->Widgets->Footer Bottom Sidebar(Shop):

    Collapsing categories widget

  9. Product hover animation

    Product hover animation can be turned on/off. Use "Use animation for product on hover" switcher located in the Appearance->Storex Theme Settings->Store Settings menu to switch the hover effect between animation and fading:

    Product hover animation

StoreX Theme comes with a number of useful shortcodes that will help you build any kind of page from the components presented on the live demo of the theme

StoreX Theme offers you a set of shortcodes and plugins that will help you build different kinds of home pages for different purposes.

Using Page Builder Plugin

StoreX Theme package contains Page Builder plugin. It's a great plugin and we recommend using it as a primary tool for building your site's content.

Video tutorial below shows the basics of Page Builder usage:

Using Revolution Slider Plugin

Revolution Slider

Revolution Slider comes with StoreX Theme for free and should be used only with StoreX Theme. Please read the documentation and tutorials on how to use Revolution Slider here

StoreX Theme package contains slider sample data that you can import. To do that go to the backend of your site, click on Revolution Slider Section, find the "Import Slider" button and upload a package that is located in SAMPLEDATA folder of the StoreX Theme package.

Import Slider

Once you create new or import an existing slider you will be given a shortcode that you can use do display the slider anywhere on page or blog post (See image below).

Slider Shortcode

Using WooCommerce Plugin

WooCommerce Plugin

Before reading further it is recommended to read Woocommerce Getting Started Guide

StoreX Theme is designed to fully support WooCommerce plugin. Once the plugin is activated in a new WordPress installtion (no woocommerce data in database), the plugin will prompt you to create WooCommerce Pages.

Click on "Install WooCommerce Pages" button, this will add necessary Pages to your WordPress site.

Each of the created pages contains a WooCommerce shortcode to display WooCommerce content, such as product listing, shopping cart, checkout form, customers account info and so on. Once you add products, categories, product tags you will see them displayed on the WooCommerce Pages.

It is important to get familiar with the functionality of the WooCommerce plugin before using it in the theme.

Using Wysija Newsletter Plugin

Wysija Newsletter Plugin is a comfortable way to create and manage newsletters, the plugin contains a newsletter form builder to create newsletter subscription forms, once you activate the theme and install plugins, it will be available to you through the backend of your site.

Wysija Newsletter Plugin

Before reading further it is recommended to watch this screencast for beginners.

Using Contact Form 7 Plugin

The Contact Form 7 Plugin is a great contact form builder for WordPress, we have styled contact form elements to match the StoreX Theme Style, thus you can create any kind of contact forms and use them anywhere on your site.

Contact form 7

Contact Form 7 Plugin

More in-depth information about the plugin can be found at Contact Form 7 Plugin Documentation

Using Twiget Plugin Plugin

This plugins allows you to output your twits on your site using Twitter API.


Twiget Plugin

More in-depth information about the plugin can be found at Twiget Support Forum

Using YIT Wishlist and Compare Plugins

These Plugins allow users adding products to wishlist and comparing them.


More info on how to use these plugins can be found at YITH WOOCOMMERCE WISHLIST DOCUMENTATION page and YITH WooCommerce Compare Documentation page